class evaluation
1. what i liked about this class is that we all learned how to type better and faster .
2.what i didnt like about the class was that sometimes we didnt have time to finish our post
3.i recommend to give the students a bit more time to finish the posts.
4.a highlight of the class was being a CTR person.
5.i feel like i really did my best in this class because i duid thing that i felt that i couldnt do .and now i now how to do the things i couldnt.
6.yes i am reading my lige planning goal journal daily because it helps me see and remind myself what i am reaching in life .
7.yes , i am committed to be a CTR person because it has helped me a lots this year .
8.i learned that we need to be kind and to always choose the right and you will go far .
9.i will always remember that we can do any that anything is possible if we choose the right .
Thursday, June 9, 2016
“You will go far with CTR “-mr.haymore
Reflection : in this quote i think what mr.haymore is trying to state is that we need to always choose the right . i know that in my personal life when i started choosing the right i become a better person . not only was am i better person but now i see the world with better eyes .i use to hate getting up for school ,but now i wake up and smile because i know i have done things that has helped me and other people . Choose the right really changes your life for the better . and the best part is you're never never too late to start . i will always stay a CTR person because it has helped so much . it ever got me think about informing other school about it . we should do a project about it . that is how strongly i feel that being a CTR person will help you and take you place you never thought possible . thanks to mr.haymore for showing me what is a CTR person .
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
The ultimate choice
Of all the choices you will ever make,one choice supersedes all others -the ultimate choice .This one choice will help you to always make correct decisions for the remainder of your life.This one choice ,The ultimate Choice ,is your keystone for being the best student and person you can possibly be . This one choice will forever affect you for good more than any other choice . The ULTIMATE CHOICE is To be a CTR person -to Always CHOOSE THE RIGHT 24/7!!!!
Reflection : i think this is a great quote because we have do this many times this year well at least it has helped me . it has change the way i looked at the world . it has change it for the better . i now look at my options to see which one is the right one . i don't follow what my friend think or do. i follow what i think is right . i have shown and told my family and friends how to choose the right . i has to face things that has turn me into a better person . it was a good thing i enter has class . now i well and always will be a CTR person .
The harmful effects of tobacco
- The effects that tobacco has on the brain are that it makes your brain go very fast ,also after smoking it can make you feel dizzy . also it makes you moody ,nerves ,depress .in you muscles it makes them hurt because they are getting less blood.on the skin tobacco makes you have dry ,yellow skin.on the heart it can make you have heart attacks .in your mouth you can get cancer if you smoke .
- 14% of teens smoke tobacco .
- You can promote non smoking by you not smoking because its like with a new shirt once one person see its they want it . also you can make little canpains to help promote non smoking .
- i promise to never smoke or use any of the tobacco products ever as long as i live .
Friday, June 3, 2016
If there is beauty in character ,
there will be harmony in the home .
if there is harmony in the home ,
there will be order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation ,
there will be peace in the world.
If there is beauty in character ,
there will be peace in the world .”
Reflection: what this quote is stating that if you have a beautiful character you can make the world a better place or a peaceful place. There are some people that have a bad character and those people are the people who are making this world horrible and unpeaceful . if you have peace in your home then the nation will it like if a famous person has a new lipstick they wear you want it . if the something . people will want to have harmony in their house if you have it in yours at .this way it's like monkey see monkey do . we have to make this world a peaceful place because now it's full of horrible people that dont bring peace.
Challenges Teens Face Today
Some challenges teens face today are drugs,study pressure,pressure in relationships.Also they face the constant need to look good,depression,and eating disorders .some challenges I face are study pressure ,and the constant need to look good.i deal with it by talking to myself saying it's going to be okay to relax . and for constant need to look good its hurt in high ,everyone wants you to look good because if not they judge you for the way you look . and i have to tell myself and remind myself that they shouldn't matter i'm the one who should matter .it helps being a CTR person because like you remind yourself that if you do good then good things happen to you . i can help teens with challenges by making friends with them and telling them that i'm here for them .because some people need to feel that someone cares about them .
The greatest need teens need is that they want people to care about them . with the things they face they just need people to support them and to make them feel like they matter . they are being put under so much pressure that sometimes they just need a hug to feel safe from time to time .
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Summary of Roman chapa and malik stewart
Roman chapa was a horse rider that was caught cheating in a race . in the race chapa was in 5th place in the last lap . he won 1st place in that race .but was later caught on a picture taken in the last lap .in this picture you can see that he has a mini taster .that why he won first place because he cheated . chapa didn't after that .
On the other hand malik stewart is a wrestler at his school he when to the finals with a kid thats father had cancer and the son wanted to win in honor of his dad . the kid won stewart . but with great honor he got up and hugged the kid and his dad . stewart told the dad” keep on fighting “. this shows that it is better to lose with honor than to win by cheating .
“I would prefer even to fail with honor than to win by cheating” -sophocles
Reflection: i think that we people think that winning is the thing we should care about the most . but it's not really true . some people cheat to win and that's worst than losing . if you fail but don't cheat you fail but with honor. But if you win and cheat yeah you win but from that day on you have no honor . many people when they cheat they get caught and they later on lose the thing that they cheated for . we should learn that win or lose it's no important . just always try your best and you will win . we should all stop cheating . it we cheat what the point of the game . we all need to be fair and square.
Current health -related issues
A current health issue is overweight . overweight is when your weight is above the normal body weight .it comes with a lot of health issues like sometimes overweight can cause cancer. you can have high blood pressure from it . and sometimes a heart disease .many mothers are involved because their child is overweight . what being done is that many organizations are giving out free food because many people state that . the people often make bad health choices because they can't afford to buy health food .
Friday, May 27, 2016
Memorial day
Memorial day is a day to celebrate all the men and women who died while serving.
Memorial day is every last monday of may .
To show respect you can show/bring out your red white and blue colors .also you can go to a parade . you can put up flags in your house .You can buy a poppy .
On memorial day we in my family put up flags and we have a cookout .we hang out at my house and we take and eat .
My thoughts on memorial da are that it's a great thing to celebrate . i think we should try to do something a bit more special like we all go to the churches and pray for them . we buy rose for everyone even if we don't know them . we should ask to make a food that they liked .i thinks it would be nice for them . and that way their family members can see that we all do care about them . because they fought for us and we should be thankful .
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Eight great reasons to tell the truth
-barbara A lewis
1. Telling the truth lets everyone know what really happened .there’s less chance of misunderstanding ,confusion ,or conflict.
2.telling the truth protects innocent people from being blamed or punished .
3.telling the truth allows everyone to learn from what happened . usually get into less trouble for telling the truth other than lying (and getting caught)
5.other people trust you more when you tell the truth dont have to tell (and remember)more lies to keep your story straight grain a reputation for being truthful -a trait most people value
8. Telling the truth helps you to feel secure and peaceful inside .
Reflection: what i think this quote is saying is that we should always tell the truth because it is the right thing to do.always tell the truth because its makes you feel good and peaceful inside . also do it because people value people who tell the truth . its this thing that us human think it s like choosing the right . alway tell the truth because someone when its true no one will believe you . and besides it's the wrong thing to do and we always choose the right .
Monday, May 23, 2016
“ if i’ve got correct goals,and if i keep pursuing them the best way i know how ,everything else falls into line . if i do the right thing right , i'm going to succeed “ -dan dierdorf
Reflection: what this quote is trying to say is that if we have goals . to keep push and try to reach them . and if we do and we reach our goals than everything will fall into place . that with one thing that we do that's right then we will succeed . i believe in this strongly but that the same time how do i know what is the right thing to do the reach success . it's weird but strongly true . who said something weird can't be true . i think this is like the secret recipe for how to reach your goals . we can all do it if we use this .
Wellness specialist
Duties: wellness specialists work for schools,local governments,companies or other organizations to suggest support and train people on their health and fitness goals. A specialist often consults with people directly on lifestyle,eating ,and exercise habits and may direct an individual to doctor for any serious health concerns .
Salary :$49,480
Education :a wellness specialist often has a degree in a related discipline such as nursing ,fitness ,or sport medicine .there are no specific requirements.
Demand :21% between 2012 and 2022
I would want to be a wellness specialist because it more like group of people helping people with their lifestyle choice
Thursday, May 19, 2016
“The most important thing you will ever have is good values” -Dennis Prager
Reflection: this quote is trying to say that we need to value our values . they are an important thing in our life . we have values like forgiveness and education . we need our values to be good because it makes us a good person . we cant live with bad values because it will start making us a bad person . we never really think about of values in life . so we dont even no what values we have . just think about it for a minute about your values . if you have values that are bad you can fix them . it is never too late to change .
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
“The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: self-respect,dignity (self-worth) ,integrity,and self-esteem.” -Dr.Laura Schlessinger
Reflection: what this quote is saying is that when you do good you feel good . you feel better about yourself . thats its not ways to get a reward of money . it makes you a better person within and it helps you with your self -esteem . you need to do good just ti feel good inside .not worry about money when doing something good . and always choose the right .the feeling of doing good makes you feel good more than anything in the world . its like a firework inside you , you feel something so amazing.
Sports medicine
Duties :Sports medicine generally refers to treatment of athletes by a team of professionals with varying levels of education.
Education:bachelor’s degree ,DPT degree,M.D. or an D.O. degree
Demand :from 18%-39%
I wouldnt like to be a sports medicine because i want to do something with the mind and how i can help people with mind problems .
Friday, May 13, 2016
Four success tips
By: phillip riggs hard
2. Follow your passions .Do things you are interested in doing
3. Don't chase after money
4.serve others.Do good things for others ,and good things will come to you
Reflection: what this quote is telling us is that we have to go and follow our passion even if it is drawing or if it is sing or dancing . we have to work hard in life .also we have to learn that we should do things for money because on it can affect you later or you wouldn't be happy . working shouldn't be a pain it should be something you look forward to .we should just believe in the things you do . and work hard to make a job out of it . we can do great things in life . if you just try and never give up .
World records
Oldest living person
Susannah Mushatt
Set on july 2015
Most flowers picked up with mouth in a contortion backbend
super-flexible Julia “Zlata”
Set on april 2016
Heaviest mantle of bees
Ruan Liangming
Set on january 2016
Man with the most fingers and toes
It fascinated me because i never knew that a person can have so many toes and fingers .
I would like to set the record for most stuffed animals because i love stuffed animals i would if there is such thing .
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
“‘In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing “ -theodore roosevelt
Reflection: this quote is trying to say is that you can choose the right at any moment . if lets say your do drugs . but you want to stop . it is not too late to stop and choose the right . you can do the right thing still even if you chose wrong before . you can change your decisions from bad to good . just because you choose wrong first it doesn't mean you can choose right next .you have to power to correct your path . you can change the world you choose when you choose the wrong . and change it to the good world you want
Duties :Lawyers advise and represent individuals ,businesses ,and government agencies on legal issues and disputes .
Education :7 years as a full time student ,3 years of law school ,juris doctor degree ,bacherlor’s degree
Demand :49%
I wouldnt want to be one i feel like its too much school and i need money to help my family out with bills .
Monday, May 9, 2016
“Nothing is ever gained in doing what’s wrong “ -Wilford woodruff
Reflection: i think this statement is say that you dont win anything with doing what is wrong . if you do the right you gain many thing . unlike if you do wrong you lose many things like your word . your word will not have no power later on . and all because you chose the wrong . think about it would you want to gain or lose somthing . think about it because sometimes you can lose the people you love or the thing you love most . so choose the right !! stop doing whats wrong .
Thursday, May 5, 2016
“It’s a great moment when someone has character to step up and do the right thing at the right time .”-pam knox
Reflection : this quote means that we should stand up for what is right . i think it's trying to say that it's wonderful when someone has the courage to stand up for what they believe in . i agree with this because some of us are scared to stand up for what we believe in .we need to stop being scared and stand for what is right and when it's right . its hard at times be it's better to be right . we all work in order for the fear not to control us . we have to always choose the right . and do what is best for us which is to step up for the right things and do the right thing when it is the right time.
Speech pathologist
Duties: work to prevent, assess, diagnose, and treat speech, language, social communication, cognitive-communication, and swallowing disorders in children and adults.
Education:master’s degree and a supervised clinical experience
Demand :19%
I wouldnt like to be one because i myself i think that i need to go to one because i cant speech sometimes correctly .
Friday, April 29, 2016
The 10 indian commandments
1.treat the earth and all that dwells therein with respect .
2.remain close to the great spirit . respect to your fellow beings. together for the benefit of all mankind.
5.give assistance and kindness wherever needed . what you know to be right .
7.look after the well-being of mind and body.
8.dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good . trustful and honest at all times
10.take full responsibility for your actions.
Reflection : i thinks that this are great commandments to live by . in general they are all important to follow .for example we should respect one another all the time . sometimes we forget to respect each other but we want to be respected .also the commandment to do what is right . it's like being a CTR person . and be trustful and honest now a days everyone is fake . they can't be trusted and honest they don't know what that is its sad . we should be able to trust each other . and lastly the best one of all take full responsibility for your actions that's the one i like the most .
Duties:reflexologist apply pressure to reflexes points on your feet .which is believed to help the body’s natural balance of energy ,and healing processes.
Education:associate’s degree
Demand 19%
Reflection : i wouldnt want to be a reflexologist because i woulnt like to be touching feet all day .
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
“A promise must never be broken “-alexander hamilton
I agree with this quote a promise should never be broken .for example if you say i'm going to be at your house at 4:30 to study and you don't go until 6:30 or don't show do you think the person is going to trust you . you have to keep your word because if not you word will mean nothing . it's hard sometimes to keep a promise but that why you don't promise something you can keep . you need to take your promises and keep them . another example is when your best friend says you will never be alone . im always and always be here for you no matter what . and at the end he or she ends up leaving you or stops talking to you . never make promise that you don't mean because the promise can mean the world to someone .so keep your promises don't ever break them.
Registered nurse(RN)
Duties :RNs perform a wide variety of job duties during their shifts, caring for and educating patients about their conditions, as well as establishing trust and building rapport with patients and their families. Same daily RN duties might include:
Working with a variety of patients, from pediatric to geriatric, or specializing in one of numerous possible areas such as cardiac care, neurologic care or dermatology
Observing and recording patient behavior
Consulting with physicians and other healthcare professionals
Establishing treatment plans, operating medical equipment
Supervising licensed practical nurses (LPNs) and certified nurse assistants (CNAs)
Performing diagnostic tests
Treating medical emergencies, such as heart attacks, strokes, car accidents and burns as well as recovering post-operative patients
Administering medications and treatments
Education :bachelor’s degree and associate’s degree
Demand :16% increases by 2024
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